Tuesday 12 April 2011

What a day.

Hari ni,sangat bosan.
Setiap hari bosan.
Hari hari bosan
Bangun je,lepas makan bosan.
Lepas tidur bosan.
Nak tidur bosan.
Keluar tak bosan.
OTP tak bosan.

Nothing cant shake us!

Everyday i want to see your face,but i cant.
Everyday i want to see your sweet smile,but i cant.
Everyday i want to hold your tight,but i cant.
Everyday i want to touch your face,but i cant.
I just want you to know that

earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
even when it storms i will never go
I will be the one to keep you safe
before was a love i care more than enough
holding on to one another be the cover when it's rough
mother nature, or disaster won't stop our happy ever after.

Saturday 9 April 2011

this is what we called thousand miles away.

6 april 2011.
I met you.
I stare you.
You gave me your smile.
I miss your sweet smile.
I miss your tanned skin.
I miss how you told me that you miss.
I miss every single moment with you.
Its hurt when i know that I miss you baby Fie.
Even we're far apart,only you that i want.

I'm sad because i miss you. :'(

Friday 25 March 2011


Frust but not in the mood to story telling. -,-

Sunday 20 March 2011

I miss you Faizah!

Faizah,You wanna know something?
I really miss you like duh..way too much i guessssssss.
Even we're already skyping for about 2 hours,still I'm missing you.
I miss your sweet smile.
I miss every single thing about you shawty.
Daaaayyyuuummmmmm.. :(
Kenapa kita kena jauh macam ni. :'(

Moral of the story: I MISS YOU SO MUCH. :')

Friday 18 March 2011

I hate this part.

Hey daniel be cool man.
I'm trying here.
chillex. F.U.
I hate when you're having a conversation with that IDIOT guy.
So i can do the same thing lah kan????
Urgh, i hate this part.
And when I inhale Love,I will Inhale jealous too.

Thursday 17 March 2011


Aku rasa aku dah puas jaga hati kau.
Kau tu reti ke nak support aku even aku tgh SPM apa kau buat?
Kau madah nak condemn aku and buat aku no self confidence macam tu?
Aku tahu lah aku ni memang teruk gila.
Come on lah,mana ada orang masuk goverment college before Exam result keluar.
Kalau dia tu genius,boleh lah masuk.The thing is,jangan nak underestimate aku.
Semua orang tak perfect,yeah kau nampak aku banyak main masa form 4 semua,aku teruk.
But then, masa spm yang aku tidur pukul 4.30 tu semua ada kau tahu?
Yang kau tahu,aku ni teruk bagai nak MAMPUS kau. kau tu macam bagus sangat?
Sudah lah,aku memang tgh stuck duduk dengan kau sekarang ni.
Kalau taknak aku,buang je aku,jangan buat aku macam CB.
Fuck up. *tears. :'(

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Things that i really want.

I wish i have so much cash.
I have to wait for my SPM results to get this thing.
I just hope that my result will be the boom.
Ya allah,berikanlah aku result yang membanggakan. :'(

Sunday 13 March 2011

Budak cantik saya. :)

But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here.
Please don’t try so hard to say goodbye

Friday 11 March 2011


Boy: I miss you.
Girl: And so?
Boy: I really did.
Girl: K.
Boy: I'm sorry.
Girl: What for?
Boy: For ignoring your efforts to communicate with me.
Girl: Its OK. I got used to it, then I got tired, so I stopped trying and started forgetting.
Boy: I..
Boy: I...tried to forget about you, you see.
Girl: ....
Boy: Cause it tore me apart that we can never be...
Girl: its OK.
Boy: Why is it so OK?
Girl: I got used to days hoping you'd be back, but then you never did. I started facing reality, and started to get a move on.
Boy: Wait...am I too late?
Girl: Too late for what?
Boy: To court you?
Girl: You know, I've always wanted to hear that from you. Back then, a year ago. But...I got used to only wishing for it..then realized it would never happen, so I stopped hoping.
Boy: I'm really sorry, but dont worry, this time, I will make your wishes come true.
Girl: Its my turn to say sorry. Time got into me. You've broken my heart already. I cant risk experiencing that again. :/ Thank you anyway. For communicating with me after a year of silence.